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Core Weight Training For Runners - Five Easy Exercises

Strength and weight training is an foremost part of a runners total fitness.

Aviation GPS Trainer Software for Garmin GNS 430/530, Honeywell, and more

Product Brand : ASA

Model : ASA-GPS-2
Our Price : Aviation GPS Trainer Software for Garmin GNS 430/530, Honeywell, and more Aviation GPS Trainer Software for Garmin GNS 430/530, Honeywell, and more
Do not buy until you see more details.

Aviation GPS Trainer Software for Garmin GNS 430/530, Honeywell, and more

Aviation GPS Trainer Software for Garmin GNS 430/530, Honeywell, and more

Aviation GPS Trainer Software for Garmin GNS 430/530, Honeywell, and more Overviews
ASA's GPS Trainer V.2.0 - Perfect for renters who may face one brand of GPS one day and another the next...for the instructor teaching in multiple aircraft...for aircraft owners trying to master the nuances of their favorite navigational tool.

ASA has expanded the popular software product GPS Trainer, adding 3 more GPS unit tutorials for a total training package of 6 of the most popular IFR-approved and handheld GPS receivers on the market today.

Learn to use the KLN 89B/94, GNS 430/530, and GPSMAP 295, and the Apollo GX 50/60. The FAA does not mandate design, labeling, function, and operation of GPS receivers. With this lack of standardization, pilots are left to their own devices to learn each unit. Applicable to both VFR and IFR operations, all the tasks GPS can help you with are covered. Exercises are included throughout. Intuitive software is as easy to use as reading a book. Movie clips, animations, original figures and diagrams accelerate the learning process. Emulators integrate with the tutorial for hands-on practice of each task. Includes the manufacturer's simulators for the GNS 430, GNS 530, KLN 89B, and GX 50/60 (manufacturers simulators not available or included for the GPSMAP 295 and KLN 94). PC and Mac compatible.

Aviation GPS Trainer Software for Garmin GNS 430/530, Honeywell, and more Features

  • Learn to use Garmin GNS430/GNS530, King KLN series and more!
  • Windows and Mac OS compatible

Aviation GPS Trainer Software for Garmin GNS 430/530, Honeywell, and more

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CB Ventures
Aviation GPS Trainer Software for Garmin GNS 430/530, Honeywell, and more
$48.97 (New)
Usually ships in 1-2 business days
Aviation GPS Trainer Software for Garmin GNS 430/530, Honeywell, and more
Aviation GPS Trainer Software for Garmin GNS 430/530, Honeywell, and more



If you want to excel in your next 5k, close strong on your long runs, and run a Pr by next month, you great get weight training!

Garmin 430 Training

Now, unlike other forms of weight training where the goal is muscle gain, for a runner it's quite different.

Core Weight Training For Runners - Five Easy Exercises

You are seeing to advance your muscles, without necessarily adding muscle weight, and a good place to do that is in the core.

Your core (back and abdominal) plays a big role in running. Not only does your core keep you upright, a well conditioned core is highly foremost for being able to close strong in your next race.

Here are five easy exercises to work your core that will take no more than 15 minutes a day three days a week. Make them part of your habit and I'm sure you'll see a dissimilarity in your racing.

Exercise 1: Plank

A basic "plank" can be a great core strengthening exercise. Get down in a push-up position, but instead of resting on your hands rest your upper body on your forearms with your legs out behind you. Hold this pose for 2 minutes, break for a minute, and repeat.

Exercise 2: Dumbell Bends

With lightweight dumbbells in your hands, hold them to your chest while you bend at the waist transmit (like you would if you were to bow to someone), go to a 90 degree angle to your legs, hold for a count, and then back up to standing. Repeat 10 times. Now do the same practice but bend to each side

Exercise 3: Touch Your Toes

Lying on your back with your legs pointing up to the ceiling, rise off the ground and try to touch your toes. It is okay if you can't go as high as you can, reach, count to 1 and come back down. Repeat 10 times.

Exercise 4: Back Bow

Laying flat on your stomach raise your torso off the ground as far as possible, arching your back in a bow without straining. Go up, hold, and come back down. Repeat 10 times.

Exercise 5: Old Fashioned

Lastly end with some good old fashioned "crunchies". You don't need to come very far off the ground with your shoulders, just sufficient to flex you your abs. Do them slow and steady, in any place from 20-30 reps.

Core Weight Training For Runners - Five Easy Exercises No URL

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