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Beginner Triathlon Training agenda - 3 Tips To enhancing Your Run Time

Throughout your training as a triathlete you may hear others talking about the "perfect" form for running. First, let me say that there is no "perfect" form. Every someone has a unique physique with distinct muscle composition, drive and distance which results in distinct head somewhere lengths. There are however some characteristics that all good runners do exhibit. The following record will frame three of these tips to help you heighten your running.

1. Growth the bending movement of your knees.

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You want to think of movement in terms of efficiency where you use less energy to get the same (or better) result. Growth your knee flex towards your butt when you take your strides. This will Growth your speed while using less effort. The goal is to Growth your foot turnover rate while reducing the fatigue to your leg muscles. Try adding some heel to butt kicks in your running session. Run in your normal style and simply add 15 heel to butt kicks 2 or 3 times while the run.

Beginner Triathlon Training agenda - 3 Tips To enhancing Your Run Time

2. Keep your hips and quads flexible.

When your quads are tight they do not allow you to stretch out your muscle for maximum stride. You lose the extra distance you need to push-off your foot for maximum efficiency. By performing a uncomplicated stretch like the platform stretch you can avoid this problem. Find a platform that is at the height of your knees or higher. Turn colse to and place the top of your foot on the platform with your laces down. Hold for 30 seconds and then move to the other leg.

3. Stop too much flexion in your hip and ankles.

When your foot hits the ground, you want to make sure that your knees aren't bent too much and that there is not too much flexing in the ankles. There is not a lot of evidence out there that suggests runners who bend their knees more oftentimes have less knee problems then those who do not but it does seem that it will decrease the impact on joints. Evidence does exist that says the more time your feet are contacting the ground the less elastic rebound you receive and therefore less power in your stride. Avoid too much flexion simply by focusing on decreasing your footstrike time. A great drill is to count how many strikes that your right foot makes in a 20 second interval. The goal is to have 30 or more which is a cadence of 90 plus. A high cadence means less time on the ground and more power in your stride.

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